Back Pain FAQs

The back is a complex structure comprised of nerves, muscles, tendons, and bones. The slightest misalignment in this structure can lead to back pain. Chiropractic care provides you with an alternative method to dealing with back pain, helping your body heal naturally. Our team at First Coast Medical Center in Jacksonville and Orange Park understands the importance of effective back pain treatment early on for a faster recovery. Our chiropractors can help alleviate your back pain without you needing to rely on medications or invasive procedures for relief.

man having lower back pain

What Causes Back Pain? 

There are many possible reasons why a person is suffering from back pain. Common causes of back pain include falls, auto accidents, overuse, and other injuries. In addition, a herniated disc can put excessive pressure on the surrounding nerves and muscles, causing back pain. Other common causes include degeneration of the spine, resulting from aging, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, and scoliosis. 

How Is Back Pain Diagnosed? 

Our chiropractors can diagnose back pain by conducting various examinations and tests. We will assess your medical history, current symptoms, and lifestyle. Our chiropractors may require x-rays, CT scans, or other imaging tests to get a closer look at the spine and internal structures of the back. All information we gather is used to help develop a treatment plan that is suitable for your unique condition. 

What Are the Types of Back Pain? 

There are two types of back pain, chronic and acute. Acute back pain is pain that lasts less than a week, while chronic back pain lasts anywhere from two weeks to over three months. Acute pain is commonly caused by auto accidents, pulled muscles, and other injury-causing incidents. While car accidents and overuse can cause chronic back pain, we often see patients suffering from chronic pain caused by degenerative conditions with long-lasting and permanent effects on the musculoskeletal system. 

How Can a Chiropractor Help? 

Our chiropractors can diagnose the root cause of your back pain and develop a treatment plan. Treatments may include spinal decompression, hands-on adjustments, ultrasound therapy, trigger point therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, and other non-invasive techniques.  

Visit Us for Back Pain Treatment from Our Chiropractors in Orange Park and Jacksonville, FL 

If you are suffering from back pain, call First Coast Medical Center in Jacksonville and Orange Park to schedule an appointment. Our professional staff will create a treatment plan that will help you meet your recovery and overall wellness goals. Contact us today to learn more about how our chiropractic care can benefit you.